
Sentimental Analysis

Our Data Says What Your Audience Loves

Advanced sentiment analysis works together to protect your brand, analyze your audience opinions, and connect you with potential customers.

Sentiment Analysis Services​

In the current competitive environment in Dubai, prioritizing customer experience is crucial. Our sentiment analysis service in Dubai offers insights into your brand without the need for conventional surveys. Qualitative feedback, conveyed in text, can offer valuable insights into the perception of your brand. Yet, manually sifting through textual data is impractical for many businesses in Dubai, making sentiment analysis an invaluable solution.

What is Sentiment Analysis ?

Have you ever left an online review about a brand or product or service online or written a review about your favorite movie? If your answer is Yes, then there’s a chance your responses have been through sentiment analysis.

Sentiment Analysis is a process of recognizing and categorizing a piece of text as per the tone conveyed by it. This text can be tweets, comments, feedback, and even random rants with positive, negative, and neutral sentiments associated with them. Sentiment analysis extracts the meaning from the text and a score is then applied based on the sentiment of the text.

This is done by mining unstructured text and reviewing data to evaluate human feelings about your product or service. By making use of natural language processing (NLP) and text analytics, sentiment analysis can help businesses get insights from changing customer behavior. Moreover, it’s less time and labor-intensive and affords scale across millions of data points.

Why Businesses Need Sentiment Analysis?

In Dubai’s data-centric landscape, sentiment analysis has become essential. The abundance of customer feedback poses a challenge for unbiased human analysis. Sentiment analysis in Dubai aids businesses in comprehending customer sentiments, bolstering brand reputation, gaining a competitive edge, enhancing customer experience, making informed decisions, and averting potential crises.

Let’s have a closer look at how sentiment analysis can be of benefit to businesses.

Brand Reputation Management

Sentiment analysis can be used to enhance brand reputation by analyzing the web and social media profiles about a brand, product, or service.

Gain competitive advantage

Sentiment analysis helps in analyzing the competitors and their marketing efforts. In this way, the businesses can adjust their value proposition and hit all the right marks.

Enhance customer experience

Businesses will be informed in real-time about the positive as well as negative reviews from the customers. Analyzing the sentiment of your customer feedback lets you learn your customers’ like and dislike. You can rectify all the errors and enhance the customer experience.

Informed Decision Making

When businesses get to know what consumers like, dislike, or what their expectations are, they can conduct a market study to make better decisions.

Crisis Prevention

Businesses can get real-time notifications about negative comments online. This helps them quickly react and solve the problems before it turns into a social media crisis.

Sentiment Analysis Services Offered By Rankraze

Our sentiment analysis service helps you to better understand customers’ sentiments towards your brand, products, or services. No matter if you want us to analyze surveys or social media comments; we examine, evaluate, and classify them carefully based on your instructions.

Text Analysis for Surveys

The feedback within your survey responses is analyzed and given sentiment scores. The scores can help you address some of the more immediate concerns your customers have during their experiences.

Text Analysis for Customer Reviews

We analyze the sentiments from the customer reviews – positive, negative, and neutral – and identify gaps and pain-points that may have not been addressed by the businesses.

Text Analysis for Social Media

We use advanced sentiment analysis tools to generate actionable insights from social media likes, comments, shares, and more. These data will help businesses create social media campaigns and strategies which will effectively boost the brand image and perception.

How Sentiment Analysis Works?​

In DUBAI, our sentiment analysis procedure entails evaluating textual data and assigning sentiment scores that reflect the emotions expressed. This process empowers businesses in DUBAI to extract valuable insights from extensive customer feedback.

Industries taking advantage of Sentiment Analysis

Automotive Companies

Automotive companies use platforms like social media to get customer feedback. This feedback can then be used to enhance marketing and advertising efforts.

Insurance Companies

Sentiment analysis helps insurance companies to automate recurring processes, by which they reduce the workload of the insurance agents.

Banking and Finance

Sentiment analysis helps banking and finance companies to analyze customer feedback, evaluate customer interactions, assess claims, and identify compliance risks.


In the retail sector sentiment analysis can help understand better operational enhancements, product quality improvements, competitive intelligence, and brand reputation threat.


In politics, sentiment analysis can be used to measure emotional beliefs on any topic. For example, a political party can analyze the positive or negative mentions about particular candidates.


Sentiment analysis in the eCommerce sector helps to analyze customer reviews and comments to enhance the experience for the customers.

Why Choose Rankraze for Sentiment Analysis?


We do sentiment analysis in multiple languages to understand the true sentiments of different groups of people around the world.

High Accuracy

We offer the highest level of accuracy in analyzing the sentiments of different kinds of people with different mindset.


We possess expertise in analyzing sentiments on different platforms for all industrial sectors.